#blacklivesmatter post #1

This week I will be exploring a few avenues of the black lives matter movement. Firs I would like to draw your attention to the following article by Guobin Yang which appeared in Media and Communication in 2016. Find it here: https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1500&context=asc_papers. It is a brief article that addresses how the hashtag form gives narrative and rhetorical agency to posts. Narrative form is about the flow of a narration and agency implies the ability and freedom to create that flow. Rhetorical is agency Guobin defines as "the capacity to act, that is, to have the competence to speak or write in a way that will be recognized or heeded by others in one’s community” citing (Campbell, 2005, p. 3). Thus, Guobin argues that the uniquely thematic, temporal, and social nature of hashtag movements lends them to both narrative and rhetorical agency. We can see a great example of these in the #blacklivesmatter movement because it "is the result of such a process of skillful invention." 


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